Beef Curry Ramen Recipe
If you love ramen noodles, you probably enjoy eating them in many different ways. If you’re in the mood for a hearty snack, a packet or cup of your favorite noodles can be delicious on their own. But if you’re really hungry, you’ll probably want to add some more ingredients. Who doesn’t like a bowl of ramen loaded up with veggies, meat, and other goodies?
Let’s talk about one of our favorite recipes: beef curry ramen. After that, we’ll provide some more general ramen preparation tips. Let’s get started!
Beef Curry Ramen Recipe
When you think of a robust meat, you probably think of beef. It’s richer and more flavorful than pork, chicken, and most other types of meat. To get something with more umami flavor, you need to eat a more unusual meat like venison or buffalo. Those aren’t things you’ll find at your local grocery store.
At the same time, a robust meat demands potent flavoring. And what’s more potent than curry? That’s why beef and curry are such a popular combination. You get a rich, savory meat, along with plenty of kick. Here’s our take on this classic recipe.

First, you’re going to need the following ingredients:
- 1 cup of Mike’s Mighty Good Spicy Beef Ramen
- 100g (3.5oz) thinly-sliced ribeye steak
- 1 cube of Japanese curry
- ½ small white onion
- Thinly-chopped green onions
- Corn kernels
- 2 cups of water
Dice half a white onion, and sauté it in a part for 2-3 minutes. You want it to start softening, but you don’t want it to caramelize just yet. Next, add your beef slices and sear them quickly on both sides.
As soon as the beef is seared, add your water immediately to bring down the temperature. Stir in your Japanese curry cube until it’s dissolved, and bring the water to a boil. Add your spicy beef ramen noodles, and stir in the flavor packet and seasoning oil. Cook until the noodles are soft, then remove from heat.
At this point, all you have to do is top off the bowl. Chop some green onions and sprinkle them to taste. We also added some canned corn kernels, which add some crunch and sweetness. The end result is a dish that’s bursting with flavor, from sweet to spicy to umami.
Ramen Tips For Beginners
If you’ve always been disappointed with your ramen noodles, it might not be the recipe’s fault. In fact, it’s easy to mess up even a simple bowl of noodles and broth. Here are some tips for getting the best noodles every time you cook.
Boil Your Water First
When you’re hungry, it’s easy to get impatient. And sure enough, one of the most common mistakes people make is to add their noodles before the water is boiling. Even if you’re not impatient, you might simply add your noodles as soon as bubbles begin to form; don’t.
At around 176°F, bubbles will begin to form on the bottom of your pot – but water doesn’t actually boil until it reaches 212°F. That’s a big difference!
When you add noodles to water that’s hot, but not boiling, the outer layers of the noodle will begin absorbing water right away. However, the water won’t penetrate to the center as quickly. By the time the middle of the noodle is al dente, the outside of the noodle is soggy. The texture is inconsistent and unsatisfying, no matter how good your noodles are to begin with.
Instead, wait until your water is at a rolling boil, then add your noodles. The water will penetrate more rapidly, and the inside will cook faster. The end result is a consistent texture from the inside of the noodle to the outside. It can be chewy and bouncy without getting soggy.
Even if you’re using a noodle cup, the same rule applies. Wait until your water is at a full boil before you add it to the cup. And once you’ve added it, cover the cup to keep the heat from escaping.
Some people add their noodles sooner because they want a noodle that’s less thoroughly-cooked. Even then, it’s smarter to use boiling water and keep the texture consistent. To achieve a more “raw” effect, simply cook your noodles 30 seconds to a minute shorter than the recipe calls for.
Double-Check Your Boiling Time
Just as important as using the right temperature water is cooking for the right amount of time. This will depend on how you’re cooking the noodles; are you using a microwave, stovetop, or kettle? Not only that, but cook times will be different for cups of noodles as opposed to noodle packets.
Every noodle is different, and different manufacturers have different guidelines. Here’s how to prepare Mike’s Mighty Good noodles the right way every time.
Crafting a Delicious Ramen Cup
To prepare a Mike’s Mighty Good ramen cup, add 1 ¼ cup of water to the cup, then put it in your microwave. As with making the pillow pack in the microwave, bring it to a boil, but don’t let it boil over. After you’ve prepared a few cups in the same microwave, you’ll get a feel for how long it takes to boil. Next, cover the cup with a plate and let it sit for 6 minutes. At that point, it’s ready to eat.
Of course, you can do the same thing with a stove or electric kettle. Just bring 1 ¼ cup of water to a full boil, pour it into the noodle cup, cover, and wait.
Remember to Stir Your Noodles
For stovetop preparation or cooking in an electric kettle, make sure to stir your noodles. They’ll tend to clump up while they cook, which can leave you with a big dough-ball if you’re not careful. Not only that, but they can stick to the bottom of a pot or the heating element on a kettle. You want to keep the noodles moving so they don’t stick to each-other or anything else.
Stirring is also beneficial because it cooks your noodles more evenly. When noodles clump together, the ones in the middle will be insulated, and can come out almost-entirely raw. Stir your noodles, and you don’t have to worry about this happening.
This rule only applies for noodle packets. When you pour boiling water into a cup of noodles, it isn’t necessary to stir them. They’re already laid out so that they won’t clump or tangle, and they won’t stick to the inside of the cup.
Start With High-Quality Noodles
You might think all ramen is the same, but that’s far from the truth. Commercial ramen noodles are fried in oil, and don’t have the texture of authentic ramen. Mike’s Mighty Good noodles are steamed, not fried, so you get the chewy texture you expect from a real ramen noodle. There’s also no extra oil that leeches into your recipe.
Our ramen also isn’t loaded with salt like the commercial brands. Instead, we use a complex blend of spices to give you all the flavor you deserve. You’ll spend a bit more for this kind of high-quality noodle packet. But you’ll notice the better flavor and texture in every bite.
Looking to stock up on ridiculously awesome instant ramen? Shop all our Mike’s Mighty Good craft ramen flavors on our site.
Check out our blog for more information, follow us on Instagram to stay up-to-date on the latest and greatest in the fabulous world of ramen noodles, and watch our TikTok videos for recipe inspiration and visual walkthroughs.
Craving more beef instant ramen recipes? Here are a few of our favorites.
Spicy Steak and Egg Ramen Bowl